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Dear XXX:

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2.請參考 ==>

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mcdanie16 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"逆境使人成長":Adversity makes one grow up fast.  

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Spain east Mediterranean, North near the Bay of Biscay , the Northeast with France , Andorra , bordering the western and Portugal are closely linked, the Strait of Gibraltar in southern Mediterranean and the Atlantic route choke choke , Morocco and the African continent across the sea ( narrowest point is only 14 kilometers ) , is a southern European one bright pearl . Spain 's total area is 505,877 square kilometers , accounting for the Earth 's land area 4 /1000 , is Europe's wider land area one of the countries , after Russia , Germany and France , is Europe's fourth largest country. Spain and Portugal located along the southwestern tip of Europe on the Iberian Peninsula , known as " unsinkable ship ." As one of Europe's major mountain ranges of the Pyrenees lie between the peninsula and the mainland , so since ancient times , also known as the Pyrenean peninsula . The entire Iberian Peninsula was pentagonal, a total area of ​​553,800 square kilometers , of which Spain occupies the 5/6 or more, up to 492,460 square kilometers . Peninsula in the center of Madrid , Barcelona, ​​600 km away from the east , with the southernmost city of Cádiz is 530 km away from the westernmost city of La Coruna 590 km , from the north west, France border 600 kilometers , and even the most westernmost Lisbon , only 600 kilometers away . Spanish territory , except for the land portion of the peninsula , but also includes the Balearic Islands, the Mediterranean , an area of ​​5014 square kilometers ; North Africa and the Atlantic Ocean in the west coast of the Canary Islands , an area of ​​7413 square kilometers ; addition, there are two Spanish enclave in Morocco on the land : Melilla and Ceuta , area 32 square kilometers ( two attribution problem has disputed with Morocco ) . Fly from Madrid to the largest Balearic island of Mallorca 's capital Palma in the Canary Island of Gran Canaria Island, respectively, only 1 hour and 2.5 hours . Climate Spanish mainland itself generally locate

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這整句話都是過去式,所以用 cost 是沒問題的。

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畢業於國立台北科大的溫蒂 郭,她說她原本在世新大學讀了一年,她就轉學了,因為世新的課程與她想要的大相逕庭。她在世新主修的是英文系,到國立台北科大後,才轉主修應用英文系。

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Dear teacher,

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I know you are always by my side.
We will definitely meet again.

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Is the way people eat a representation of their culture?

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Al 是一英文人名,通常為男生的名字。👦

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( 七 )
哇!這真是相鄰愛普森與瑞姆艾拉兩地之間的一大發現!深居簡出 - 這棟平房,1980 年代古典外觀,獨棟磚牆瓦頂美麗的建築,自有其讓人青睞的風味。完整的圍牆、保全裝置的大門、美麗宜人的景觀、屋主只須花最經濟的房屋保養,就能享受最高的生活品味。還額外奉送由院內進出的大型雙車庫,方便親友來訪停車。隸屬愛普森與奧克蘭文理學校學區,享譽國內的瑞姆艾拉小、中學及私立等學校就在附近。幾分鐘車程就可上高速公路,格陵蘭角,瑞姆艾拉等商店區,在地的 '麗都戲院' 廣場、咖啡廳及餐館等,購物、美食、娛樂俱全。

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Please don't talk about him in front of me, no matter in public or in private.

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Somos un sueño imposible

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( 一 )

mcdanie16 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

國中的國文呢 其實還不算非常的艱難
只要常讀課外書 上課老師抄的筆記仔細抄

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