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Boy: Mom, can we ride on the roller coaster?

mcdanie16 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I once traveled to Japan with my family and my friends for one week. By the journey, I not only deeply realize the Japanese culture but find out that welfare system of disabled person in Japan was more integrated than in Taiwan. In addition, I have known some conditions about the welfare system of disabled person in Japan throughclasses. Knowing my interest in the field of social welfare, a professor from our department encouraged me to attend more related courses in Japan in the coming future. However, I know it is not an easy case for me to study aboard because of my financial insufficiency. I told myself, if I had the chance to fulfill my dream, I wouldn't let it go.

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Welcome to Taiwan,

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1...and the sea coast from the castle of al-Marqab in the south.
 ...而且...從南邊的愛爾-碼咖把 堡(地名) 到...的海岸

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mcdanie16 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

趴由英文翻譯過來,原文是party (中文正經的翻譯:聚會) 讀音如趴提,省略成一個字,趴。意味著參加此類聚會,人會迷迷糊糊,終於趴下。因此叫做阿迷趴。

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"頂級(supreme quality )純天然精華(100% natural essence)萃取添加成分(extracted additive)"

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略嫌冗長繞口, 建議改寫如下:

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I prefer to work in a group. This way, not only can I make new friends and settle into the job quickly, but I can also continually learn how to be more social because these skills are extremely important in life. However, I still think that either working alone or in a group has its own advantages and disadvantages, for example: one advantage of working in a group is that if we have difficulties, then we can ask our co-workers immediately how to solve them, while one disadvantage is that working with co-workers may sometimes result in more pressure for everyone if the group doesn't communicate sufficiently. On the other hand, working alone is also a good choice. We just need to communicate to make sure the task is completed in a set period of time, but the most beneficial thing is that we can be more independent and get the sense of achievement at the same time. Ultimately, both are valuable options to choose!

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The total number of the staff "is" much larger in our company than that in yours.

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1. to date a total of 17 Grand Slam champions

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網路即時校正時間軟體NTPclock 2.1 ==>

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Dear friends:
Thank for being so thoughtful of you.

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