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1.我剛剛發現一件事,原來你也讀Leiden University(校名)呀!
I just realized that you study in Leiden University too!

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1.When did you start to have the symptoms?

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不知道這是關於什麼的. 我看起來很像是關於類神經網路(neural network)中會出現的文字.  neural network 可以看成一個黑盒子(black box), 我們不知道裡面的構造或結構, 只知道某些輸入值(input data set), 會產生特定輸出值(output). 根據手上有的input-output資料, 來訓練(train)這個neural network, 手上的input-output資料越多, 訓練(train)出來的network就會越準, 或是說, 這個network就會學到(learn)更準確的判斷, 這樣如果將來我們有一個input, 就可透過這個已經訓練好的network來運算output將會是什麼.  一般是應用在無法知道那個黑盒子的公式的情況. 比如股市分析, 你可以把所有的已知input(比如前一日收盤指數, 公司盈餘, ...)輸入, 而得出明日股票會漲還是會跌. 

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This case report describes indicates the nursing care experience in nursing to a young 30-year-old patient with Crohn’s disease (CD) as well as with colon stricture received treated with colostomy surgery. The period of nursing care duration was from 19 Sep to 17 Nov, 2012. The methods of data The author collection collected information by included observation, interviews, direct care, and physical assessments. By applying analyzing Gordon’s 11-item functional health assessment, the patient’s health problems included consisted of anxiety, self-care deficit, body image disturbance, acute pain, and nutrition imbalance. alteration. While being an inpatient, During hospitalize, due to anxiety and not understanding about colostomy, the patient rejected refused colostomy surgery due to anxiety and not misunderstanding about colostomy. After description Owing to explanation and health education of by the medical team, he had agreed to receive the surgery. After received surgery, the patient still worried about the change of body image. The author tried to persuade the patient with the successful cases to inspire his confidence. had empathy with the patient’s feeling of body image change and introduced successful patient. Then, the patient used to the symptom accompanying with gradually adapted to the colostomy, and learned how to care colostomy care. The author taught the patient how to distract his diverting attention and relax his body to ease the pain. relaxation techniques to relieve patient’s acute pain.

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用google 翻譯~

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Thank you for your reply.
OK. I'll wait for your flying schedule fixed.

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Question 1:
Are you a pessmistic person?

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No matter what, believe in your heart.
No matter what, listen to your heart.

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Cut yourself off from drugs, especially those luring you as family, the most wicked of all. 

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Hello ,

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Julie Chen這個記者因為種族外貌的問題去整形

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Your life belongs to yourself (and yourself only).

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 Hi, Dear Seller,

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Before you compose your message, you’ll most likely need to gather some information to communicate to your audience. When writing long, formal report, you’ll conduct formal research to locate and analyze all the information relevant to your purpose and your audience. Formal techniques for finding, evaluating, and processing information are discussed in Chapter10. Other kind of business messages, however, require less-formal information gathering. 

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만약 마음속에서 '나는 그림에 재능이 없는걸'이라는 음성이 들려오면 반드시 그림을 그려보아야 한다. 그소리는 당신이 그림을 그릴때 잠잠해진다.-빈션트 반 고흐

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1.Using accrual accounting, revenue is recorded and reported only when the
services are rendered without regard to when cash is received.

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1.12 people in the study report fully supports hesitate love.
2.Edward and Bella with love exclusion hampered their efforts so that each family identity.

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#banner {

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