This case report describes indicates the nursing care experience in nursing to a young 30-year-old patient with Crohn’s disease (CD) as well as with colon stricture received treated with colostomy surgery. The period of nursing care duration was from 19 Sep to 17 Nov, 2012. The methods of data The author collection collected information by included observation, interviews, direct care, and physical assessments. By applying analyzing Gordon’s 11-item functional health assessment, the patient’s health problems included consisted of anxiety, self-care deficit, body image disturbance, acute pain, and nutrition imbalance. alteration. While being an inpatient, During hospitalize, due to anxiety and not understanding about colostomy, the patient rejected refused colostomy surgery due to anxiety and not misunderstanding about colostomy. After description Owing to explanation and health education of by the medical team, he had agreed to receive the surgery. After received surgery, the patient still worried about the change of body image. The author tried to persuade the patient with the successful cases to inspire his confidence. had empathy with the patient’s feeling of body image change and introduced successful patient. Then, the patient used to the symptom accompanying with gradually adapted to the colostomy, and learned how to care colostomy care. The author taught the patient how to distract his diverting attention and relax his body to ease the pain. relaxation techniques to relieve patient’s acute pain.