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We find it more efficient to dispatch items separately. Since we receive items from a number of different suppliers, who will invariably deliver items at different times of the day, and sometimes, on different days entirely, we find it more efficient to dispatch items as soon as they arrive, as opposed to delaying an order whilst we wait for an order to arrive in its entirety.

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 ---The translation from C/E:-
V. Goal-setting:-

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1.Does she studies English every Monday?
NO,she doesn't

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One day Alice as usual into the forest to practice dance, jump jump ~ she accidentally put her shoes kicked the side of the pond! Ah!!!! Bang, she fell into a big pond, her fear began to struggle, then an ugly mermaid Fifi grabbed her hand she pulled ashore, wow! ashore so beautiful - but she found her shoes was gone, she asked ugly mermaid has not gone to see the ugly mermaid said no, they happily back to her pool house, and Alice fear into the forest, walked ~ she saw a tree big side mirrors, shoop bang open their eyes asked her mirror who is Alice tells it her name, but also related to the mirror just happened to say, the mirror tells Alice to find a grandmother, she can help her, call out loudly disappeared, Alice walked she was so sad to go, she is now hungry and thirsty, can not find her shoes could not find grandma, she began to cry, walking and crying, she saw a town, she walked over to where good fun, there are sell a lot of things, there are clothes, food, she also saw her dancing shoes sell shoes is placed a window, she went with the man there said it was her shoes, but no one believed her she quickly picked up the side of the ax to smash it, wearing shoes trying to escape, but was all caught up, she did not tell you what his body, she is willing to make money by dancing to the boss, everyone called her jump a dance to look after her dance was shocked everybody, this dance was really beautiful, we decided to forgive her, Alice happily out of town

參考資料 英翻

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東豐自行車道  = Dongfong bike trail

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Hello 阿育,

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病人是一個十二歲的女孩子,她的燒時好時壞,拉肚子,是水汪汪的,吐,兩天差不多沒吃東西,她先去 LMD 看病,服了一點藥,但病情持續變壞,其他不好的跡象也開始出現。所以就送到我們 OPD 來尋找幫助,PE 的結果是:喉嚨發紅,舌根發腫,肚子發大。然後她就被送到我們的病房來做進一步的處理。

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1.their, our

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1. swim

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