- Dec 24 Tue 2013 00:23
中文翻成英文, 20點
- Dec 23 Mon 2013 23:59
現在還該不該走獸醫系這條路 ?
你必須要先回答幾個問題, 才能真正找到解決的方案:
1. 你目前讀甚麼科系? 幾年級? 有沒有修過普通化學和生物統計學? 這牽涉到你應該準備學測, 指考, 還是轉學考.
- Dec 23 Mon 2013 23:11
1. King George made Lionel Logue A Commander of the Royal Victorian Order in 1944.
- Dec 23 Mon 2013 22:31
請幫我翻譯英文 嗚嗚 附上20點
Lulu is a kangaroo. For 10 years she has lived with the Richards family. Lulu was adopted by the family after they found her next to her dead mother.
- Dec 23 Mon 2013 22:14
請英文高手幫忙翻譯 (10點)
1. Though I have been told repeatedly by my friends that I must plan my life to reach my goal, I have never been able to do it.
雖然我的朋友們一再告訴我必須規劃我的生活來達成目標, 我從來沒能做到.
- Dec 23 Mon 2013 21:44
I’m not an alternative to my brother.
- Dec 23 Mon 2013 21:05
- Dec 23 Mon 2013 20:51
能幫我翻譯一些很間單的句子嗎 (急!!)
I likes reading books on my leisure time because I feel reading books is very interesting.
- Dec 23 Mon 2013 20:37
Please believe me.I am out. I don't know when I'll be back.Maybe sooner, maybe later.Some of the time is out of my control.But I'm back and will write to you.I have to tell you, I write English very slow, I need more time.Some English-language content is too long, I need someone to help me translate, this also takes time.You have the patience to wait for me, please, don't worry!I believe in Jesus at age 18.I believe nobody led me to a church to believe.I used to go to church, but I think that churches who are too cold.Later on, I don't want to go.Although, I don't go to church, but I have with Jesus in prayer.I pray with Jesus, Jesus had joined me.I wish I could find a companion back to the Church.Will the United States certain Church endorses gay marriageYour church do you agree?Can I have your church website?
- Dec 23 Mon 2013 20:09
I don't think you could have a friend even if you tried!